bangasree super west bengal state lottery 20 April 2018
bangasree super west bengal state lottery 20 april 2018 result can view and download bangasree super west bengal state lottery 20 april 2018 lottery result.bangasree super lottery result 2018.
20/04/2018 WEST BENGAL 20/04/2018
246th Draw held on 20/04/2018 Price ` 10/-
bangasree super 1st Prize `40,00,000/- E 354496
bangasree super 2nd Prize `5000/-
00406 07365 08858 09734 18131 28331 34604 35381
36409 36821 38206 41169 49658 51383 53186 59069
72265 78792 79202 80488 80955 82292 84248 86099
86693 89523 92577 94288 94656 94754
bangasree super 3rd Prize `1000/-
07486 10473 21987 26724 35028 36146 42583 46226
53046 58898 61245 66341 66574 71662 78548 85193
91148 94698 95517 97599
bangasree super 4th Prize `500/-
08949 20664 31523 37700 40100 42156 51636 62046
62932 63113 68479 69389 76931 81169 81404 81594
82555 90489 92428 94287
bangasree super 5th Prize `100/-
0074 0132 0366 0424 0848 1582 2033 2302 2317 2718
2777 3090 3437 4670 4717 4766 4952 5342 5362 5494
6218 6254 6511 7250 7873 8038 8682 8738 8957 9028
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Marketed by:- West Bengal Lottery Stockists Syndicate Pvt.Ltd.
* Please check the result with the official Government Gazette